Greetings adventurer!
Faerûn is home to a great many gods and picking one (or multiple for that matter) to guide you on your journeys is a daunting task. Not to worry for spiritual guidance is here!
This quiz will lead you to the perfect god for you.
<small><small>The maker of this quiz is in no way responsible for any misfortune that may befall you at the hands of your chosen god - or the gods you're choosing to ignore.</small></small>
[[Ready to get started?]]What kind of god are you looking for?
* [[I want the god that fits my class best->Class archetypes]].
* [[I want a god from my race's pantheon.->Racial pantheons]].
* [[I want a god that fits my character best->anything]].Great! Most races have their own pantheon. Choose your race's pantheon.
* Humans worship the [[Faerûnian Pantheon->anything]].
* Elves worship the [[Seldarine]]
* Except for the Drow, they worship the [[Dark Seldarine]].
* Dwarves worship the [[Morndinsamman->Morndinsamman intro]].
* Gnomes worship the [[Lords of the Golden Hills]].
* Halflings worship [[Yondalla's Children]]
* Orcs worship the [[Tribe of He Who Watches]]
But what if I'm not one of the races listed? Maybe you'll [[find your race here->Other races]].
Which statement describes you best?
* [[I am attracted to dark gods and the darker sides of humanity.->evil]].
* [[I love nature's wonders: I'm more often found outside than inside->nature]]
* [[Knowledge drives me, I want to know everything there is to know->knowledgehuman]]
* [[I am dedicated to serving others.->good]]
* [[I worship the god of my craft->craft]]
* [[I am concerned with matters of life and death->lifedeath]]
* [[Combat is my passion: I love to fight.->war]]
The Morndinsamman is led by Moradin, the Dwarffather. Moradin is joined by some twelve other deities in this pantheon. Two gods, the gods of the Duergar (or grey dwarves), were exiled from the pantheon.
What is most important to you?
* [[Wealth]]
* [[My clan]]
* [[Knowledge]]
* [[Fighting]]
* [[Duergar representation]]Why are you looking for wealth?
[[I just want it. Gimme, gimme, gimme.->Abbathor]]
[[I honestly care more about training the skills needed for gaining wealth.->Vergadain]]
[[I rejoice at the finding of new veins of ore or gem deposits because that means we can create new, wonderful items. ->Dumathoin]]You're very clan-oriented. What is your role in the clan?
[[I am a healer, a romantic, and merciful. I want to help others through their troubles->Sharindlar]]
[[I am an administrator or teacher and make sure the day-to-day life of the clan runs smoothly ->Berronar Truesilver]]
[[I am a protector, ever-vigilant and tirelessly protecting dwarvenkind from its enemies. ->Gorm Gulthyn]]
[[I am a leader and seek to improve the relations between my clan and the outside world, as well encourage harmony within the clan. ->Moradin]] You are driven by knowledge but in which form?
* [[I want to explore the underground world and see all that the underground caverns have to offer. ->Dumathoin]]
* [[I want to invent new things or discover new knowledge.->Dugmaren Brightmantle]]
* [[I want to travel the surface world, see new lands and meet new peoples. ->Marthammor Duin]]
* [[I am an artisan at home in the forge and want to create new things.->Moradin]]What is most important to you in a fight?
* [[Constant vigilance and protecting those in need of protection->Gorm Gulthyn]]
* [[Honorable conduct, valor , leading from the front of the fight and never giving up->Clangeddin Silverbeard]]
* [[Taking great risks or perhaps even going berserk->Haela Brightaxe]]Oh so you're a duergar? What do you like?
* [[Crafting new weapons->Laduguer]]
* [[Magic->Laduguer]]
* [[Psionics->Deep Duerra]]
* [[Expanding duergar territories->Deep Duerra]]Your god is...
''Deep Duerra''
Deep Duerra is the goddess of conquest, expansion and psionics. She used to be a mortal queen - and presumably the daughter of the god Laduguer - who waged war on the mind flayers. The Axe Princess of Conquest is always plotting and scheming to conquer new territories: in fact, she likes the act of conquest more than what comes after. Deep Duerra dislikes arcane magic and much prefers psionics, the Invisible Art of the mind.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Laduguer is the god of the duergar, slavery, the crafting of magic items and magic. Laduguer is the dark counterpart of Moradin and was exiled from the pantheon for unspecified crimes (though Laduguer claims he left voluntarily). The Gray Protector is the main deity of the duergar and is a harsh master. Laduguer promotes a doctrine that claims the only way to power is through capturing slaves and a strong military culture. He is also a talented smith, capable of creating magic items.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Which class are you?
* [[Artificer->Gond]]
* [[Barbarian->Uthgar]]
* [[Bard->Milil]]
* [[Cleric->anything]]
* [[Druid->First Circle]]
* [[Fighter->Tempus]]
* [[Monk]]
* [[Paladin->Helm]]
* [[Ranger->Gwaeron Windstrom]]
* [[Rogue->Mask]]
* [[Sorcerer->Mystra]]
* [[Warlock]]
* [[Wizard]]Your god is...
Sharindlar the merciful is the goddess of healing and mercy. She builds bridges and maintains a working relationship with the evil dwarven gods Abbathor, Laduguer and Deep Duerra. Known as the Shining Dancer, Sharindlar is the one dwarves pray to to guide their feet on the dancefloor. Gales of laughter, shouts of joy and tolerance for all are all part of Sharindlar's portfolio. The Lady of Life is the perfect healer, always in a positive mood.
Sharindlar's main function, contrary to what dwarves would like other to believe, is fertility, romantic love, and courtship. All dwarves worship Sharindlar but few admit to it: dwarves keep Sharindlar's role secret from non-dwarves. Sharindlar is an incredibly active match-maker and true romantic with a weakness for bringing star-crossed lovers together.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Berronar Truesilver''
Berronar Truesilver is the dwarven matriarch and the goddess of family, honor and law. Wife to Moradin, Berronar makes sure dwarven clanlife runs smoothly by providing the bonds that tie the clan together. Her priests establish laws, maintain archives, or arrange marriages. The Matron of Home and Heart is well-loved and well-respected. It is said that, when necessary, her most devout are found at the vanguard of the dwarven enemy to defend dwarven lands against their enemies. The Mother of Safety, Truth and Home is there for all dwarves, at all times.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Gorm Gulthyn''
Gorm Gulthyn is the ultimate guardian of dwarvenkind. He is a protector through and through and has little patience for foolishness or activities that disrupt his vigilance. Gorm the Eternally Vigilant is said to appear whenever dwarves are threatened by outside forces, even coming to the defense of duergar at times.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Abbathor is the god of greed and thieves. The Master of Greed is the representative of the negative side of the dwarves' tendency to hoard treasures. Never satisfied, Abbathor seeks new riches all the time. He is not much of a crafter himself so instead resorts to theft or other means to obtain wealth. Abbathor is mostly an impopular deity but emissaries and merchants are expected to use Abbathor's tricks when they deal with other races to drive the best bargain possible for their clan. Abbathor is also the most free-thinking of the dwarven gods and is often involved in new innovations and revisions - mostly because the god prefers shortcuts whenever possible.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Vergadain is the dwarven god of merchants and nonevil thieves. The god delights in driving hard bargains and is not above using harmless tricks to accomplish his goals. The Father of Wealth and Luck is the god dwarves turn to when they're in desperate need of rare or hard-to-find items. Vergadain is happy to give his worshipper this, but does like hiding these treasures behind a series of clues, often in the form of poetry. Vergadain is known as the Laughing Dwarf because he laughs more often than many a dwarf. Worshippers of Vergadain often keep this secret because dwarves distrust the Merchant King and, by extent, his followers. It is also strategical to keep their allegiance secret: few people are willing to bargain with followers of Vergadain because of their skill. Vergadain is perfectly fine with this, so long as he receives his due offerings.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Dumathoin is the patron deity of the shield dwarves and the god of mining, underground exploration and buried secrets. Originally Dumathoin was angered by mining operations, believing that they desecrated the underground world. However, when he saw the beauty dwarves created from the materials they mined, he adjusted his views. Dumathoin now encourages mining, so long as it is done respectfully. He leads his faithful to great veins of ore or extensive gem deposits. Miners pray to Dumathoin for safe and profitable mining ventures. The Silent Keeper is also a deity of the dead and respectful burials.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Dugmaren Brightmantle''
Dugmaren Brightmantle is the embodiment of the chaotic and exploratory spirit that consumes some dwarves. Worshipped primarily by scholers, inventors, engineers and the like, the Wandering Tinker wants to acquire knowledge for its own sake. Inventions and discoveries that come from Dugmaren's followers and innovative, certainly, but their usefulness sometimes leaves something to be desired. Other dwarves have little patience for Dugmarenites: they are considered too chaotic for orderly dwarven society. Dugmarenites care little for this: it is not uncommon for them to travel wherever inspiration takes them.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Marthammor Duin''
Marthammor Duin is the patron god of dwarven adventurers and dwarves who live far away from their homelands, all known as Wanderers. The Watcher over Wanderers is a friendly and curious deity, always keen to figure out what the next day or mile brings. Marthammor and Dugmaren are close companions as both deities encourage wandering and exploring. Marthammor advocates for racial integration and open-mindedness and is annoyed by the dwarven culture of living in isolated strongholds.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Moradin is the patriarch of the dwarves and their creator. Dwarves look upon Moradin as the perfect example to emulate: he is an uncompromising, strong defender, a creative and intelligent forgemaster and a goodhearted, fair judge. Moradin judges dwarves on their behavior, not their good thoughts, and asks them to improve themselve constantly. All dwarves venerate Moradin but his dedicated worshippers are primarily smiths and craftsmen. Worship of Moradin is simple: creating items to the best of your ability and constantly seeking to improve your skills is a worthy act. Teaching others how to create is also highly valued by Moradin, with him doing the same to the all of dwarvenkind.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Clangeddin Silverbeard''
Clangeddin Silverbeard is the patron god of dwarven warriors. The Father of Battle is a cunning strategist and brave warrior who embodies the warrior's spirit that make dwarven fighter so capable in combat. Clangeddin promotes proactive defense (namely, offense) and encourages dwarves to leave their strongholds to seek out and destroy their enemies. The god wields two axes for the chance to deal more damage to his enemies and cares little for defense from the rear. The Lord of the Twin Axes hates giants, goblinkin and dragons in particular, leading to his titles of Giantkiller, Goblinbane, and Wyrmslayer respectively.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Haela Brightaxe''
Haela Brightaxe is the goddess of luck in battle, berserkers, and battling monsters. Dwarves who worship Haela prefer wading into the middle of the fray and trusting their skill (and some luck) to keep them safe. Berserkers and battleragers especially favor Haela, thanking the goddess after each fight for keeping them safe and dedicating their kills to her. Haela is also concerned with the fighting of unknown dangers and monsters, which happens all the time in the underground world. For that reason all dwarves venerate the Lady of the Fray but only the most battle-loving dwarves or berserkers dedicate their lives to her.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Gond the Wonderbringer is the god of craft, construction and invention. Craftsmen of all kinds - be they smiths, artificers or engineers - revere Gond and say a prayer to him when they embark on an ambitious new project. Gond constantly challenges himself to invent new things and relishes making theoretical ideas into reality. To the gnomes Gond is known as Nebelun the Meddler, who is a fair bit more chaotic than Gond as humans revere him.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Mystra is the goddess of magic and the Weave. Mystra is believed to embody magic and the Weave itself and recent events where Mystra died (and subsequently was resurrected) and magic went haywire or vanished entirely, lend some credence to this claim. Mystra encourages the inventing of new spells, the sharing of magical knowledge and the preservation of magical lore. Mystra's clergy is relatively small given how powerful the goddess is because many of her followers wield arcane magic rather than divine magic and thus feel little need to join the clergy.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Warlocks are not known for being religious. Their relationship with their patron sometimes takes the place of their relation with a deity. Warlocks who came across their pact by seeking knowledge might worship [[Oghma]] or they might worship [[Mystra]].
For more specific suggestions, which subclass are you?
* [[Archfey->Seldarine]]
* [[Celestial->Lathander]]
* [[Fathomless->Umberlee]]
* [[Fiend->Asmodeus]]
* [[Genie->Elemental Lords]]
* [[Great Old One->Ghaunadaur]]
* [[Hexblade->The Red Knight]]
* [[Undead->Myrkul]]Wizards do not spare a lot of time for religion in their lives because they tend to be busy inventing or mastering new spells. Fortunately for them, this is how they show their devotion to [[Mystra, the goddess of magic->Mystra]] and [[Azuth, the god of wizards->Azuth]]. Elven wizards recognize Mystra's role in the maintaining of the Weave but more frequently worship [[Corellon Larethian]].
Some wizard schools have their own patron deities. [[Velsharoon]] is the patron of necromancers. [[Savras]] is the patron of divination wizards. [[Leira]] is the patron of illusionists.Which monastic tradition do you follow?
* [[Way of the Sun Soul->Lathander]]
* [[Way of the Long Death->Shar]]
* [[Way of Mercy->Kelemvor]]
* [[Way of Shadow->Mask]]
* [[Way of the Ascendant Dragon->Draconic]]
* [[Another tradition->Ilmater]] Your god is...
Milil is the god of poetry, eloquence and song, as well as the god of creativity and inspiration. The Lord of Song is revered by bards and troubadours and guides them through the entire process of creating music and poetry. Much like the stereotypical bard, Milil is a great performer who enjoys being in the spotlight and, is capable of flirting with virtually anything. He has a great knowledge of various things (which he recalls in the form of songs and poems) and it is in this capacity that he serves [[Oghma]] as his left hand (because everyone knows creativity comes from the left hand).
[[Go back to start->Start]]Druids who follow the Old Ways commonly worship a loose pantheon of nature deities called the First Circle. The deities in this pantheon all represent a different facet of nature, some good, some evil. Natural order relies on balance between life and death, growth and destruction and so on. The First Circle reflects this. Most druids worship the pantheon as a whole for that reason but some dedicate themselves more to specific deities within the pantheon.
The First Circle consists of:
* [[Auril, the goddess of winter and cold->Auril]]
* [[Beshaba, the goddess of misfortune and accidents->Beshaba]]
* [[Chauntea, the goddess of agriculture->Chauntea]]
* [[Eldath, the goddess of peace and calm waters->Eldath]]
* [[Malar, the god of hunting, beasts and bestial savagery->Malar]]
* [[Mielikki, the goddess of forests and forest creatures->Mielikki]]
* [[Silvanus, the god of wild nature->Silvanus]]
* [[Talos, the god of storms and destruction->Talos]]
* [[Umberlee, the goddess of the sea->Umberlee]]
Also included are the four elemental lords:
* [[Akadi, the goddess of air->Akadi]]
* [[Grumbar, the god of earth->Grumbar]]
* [[Istishia, the goddess of water->Istishia]]
* [[Kossuth, the god of fire->Kossuth]]
Your god is...
Mask is the patron god of thieves, rogues, and spies. People whisper prayers to mask when stealth is needed or intrigue is afoot. Diplomats and courtiers will invoke Mask's name before they engage in negotiations. The Master of All Thieves, as the name suggests, is primarily worshipped by those who want to take what belongs to others. Mask encourages training your ability to deceive and your dexterity as these are key to taking what you want.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Umberlee is the goddess of the sea and ocean storms. Most people make offerings to Umberlee, the Bitch Queen, out of fear. Offering her valuables is a good way to avoid being the focus of her destructive powers. Umberlee is primarily worshipped by sailors and people who live in coastal areas as they are most likely to face her wrath.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Asmodeus is an archdevil turned god of sin, indulgence and hedonism. Asmodeus' worshippers revere the archdevil to be forgiven for their (small) sins and perhaps to even hide great sins from the gods. Asmodeus grants these wishes, though for great favors, he asks for a price after death. People who want to be in charge of their life even after death will also worship Asmodeus at times: they hope to turn into devils when they die. Some merely pray to Asmodeus to be entertained in the afterlife until [[Kelemvor]] judges which afterlife their soul goes to.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Ghaunadaur is the god of oozes and jellies, but is also worshipped by (primarily male drow) outcasts. Ghaunadaur is quite probably insane and its behaviour is random to the extreme. It is equally likely to curse a devoted follower with a terrible affliction as it is to lead them to treasure. For that reason, even the mere act of uttering its name is fraught with peril. Most of its followers thus refer to Ghaunadaur as That Which Lurks. Ghaunadaur is an Underdark deity and is primarily worshipped by low-status drow males who have nothing to lose.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Lathander is, to put it succinctly, the god of beginnings and hope. He is the god of the dawn, of spring, birth, renewal, conception, youth, vitality and self-perfection. People pray to Lathander whenever they embark on something new. Most of these rituals take place at dawn, in the god's light. Baby's born at dawn are considered blessed. He is also popular amongst athletes, who want to constantly renew themselves and push for self-perfection.
[[Go back to start->Start]]The elemental lords rule over the four elements of air, earth, fire and water. These deities are relatively uncaring towards their followers and won't frequently ask you for service. Likewise, they are not wont to giving out rewards. When they do, however, the rewards can be extremely valuable.
Which element do you feel the most affinity for?
* [[Air->Akadi]]
* [[Earth->Grumbar]]
* [[Fire->Kossuth]]
* [[Water->Istishia]] Your god is...
Oghma is the god of inspiration, invention, knowledge and ideas. A popular deity amongst artists, sages, cartographers, scribes and even wizards, Oghma promotes spreading literacy and knowledge. Many of his followers thus work to share information and oppose those would keep it hidden.
[[Go back to start->Start]]The Seldarine is the elven pantheon, led by [[Corellon Larethian]]. The elven gods all have both male and female forms as the elves consider the human's obsession with gender roles to be odd. The members of the Seldarine tend to be rather chaotic in outlook, especially Corellon, and dwell in the forested plane of Arvandor, from where the first elves spread out throughout the multiverse.
* [[I want to worship the god most common for my subrace.->elven subraces]]
* [[I want to worship the god that fits my personality the best.->Seldarine2]]Your god is...
Myrkul is the god of the dead, decay, rot, old age and exhaustion. Where Kelemvor takes care of the souls of the dead, Myrkul is the cause of dead, the Reaper who brings souls to Kelemvor. Few people pray to Myrkul and those who do, do so to stave of his touch. Myrkul received godhood at the hands of [[Jergal]], at the same time as [[Bane]] and [[Bhaal]].
[[Go back to start->Start]]What race are you?
* [[Aarakocra->Aerdrie Faenya]]
* [[Lizardfolk->Semuanya]]
* [[Tiefling->Asmodeus]]
* [[Kobold->Draconic]]
* [[Genasi->Elemental Lords]]
* [[Dragonborn->Draconic]]
* [[Aasimar->good]]
* [[Goblinkin]]
* [[Changeling->Mask]]
* [[Firbolg->nature]]
* [[Goliath]]
* [[Kenku->Quorlinn]]Your god is...
Auril is the goddess of winter and cold. She is primarily worshipped in regions that experience harsh winters. Auril is worshipped out of fear and most prayers directed to her are prayers for mercy. Auril adores ice in its various beautiful shapes and would love nothing more than to cover the entire world in ice and snow.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Beshaba is the goddess of misfortune, accidents and bad luck and the dark counterpart to [[Tymora]]. Few people worship Black Bess out of reverence but bring offerings to the goddess to stave off bad luck. Not respecting Beshaba is a great way to bring misfortune upon yourself after all. Beshaba is mostly invoken when misfortune could have great consequences and it is especially important that someone doesn't have bad luck while attempting something. Those who see Beshaba as their patron often were greatly damaged by life's unfairness and either seek to warn others of it or seek to inflict misfortune on others.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Chauntea is the goddess of agriculture and farming. She is also a mother goddess who resides over births, meals and the safety of home. Chauntea is much beloved by farmers and gardeners, especially in rural communities as she nurtures life and encourages bountiful harvests. Since Chauntea is a goddess of growth, acts of destruction are alien to her: this sometimes puts her followers at odds with druids and other groups who believe that destruction is sometimes a necessary evil.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Eldath is the goddess of peace, waterfalls, pools and quiet places. Much like the places she is found, Eldath is a healing goddess. The water of her holy sites is capable of healing madness and sicknesses and brings peace to the disturbed mind. Eldath's pools are surrounded by offerings that signify an end to strife: broken weapons for example, or items that remind people of arguments. By leaving these behind, people wish for peace.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Malar is the god of the hunt, bloodlust, savagery, and evil lycanthropes. He is a god of the dark side of nature: the side of the hunter and their prey. Few people pray to Malar. Only those who hunt or wish not to be hunted reach out to Malar. Evil lycanthropes believe that Malar created them: to worship him, they gather in the cult of the People of the Black Blood. Their rituals are bloody affairs, often with sentient prey so the hunters can savor its fear.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Mielikki is the goddess of forests and forest creatures. Few worship her however. Mielikki is considered too wild and too distant for most humans to pray to her. Most only call on her for aid when lost in the forest. Mielikki protects forests from hunting and logging and people know not to go beyond trees marked with her symbol for these purposes.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Silvanus is the god of nature in all its facets. Silvanus represents wild nature, both its beauty and its dangers. His followers see wild nature as the true state of the world and oppose expansion or overconsumption of natural resources. Silvanus is not worshipped by many but the god cares little for mortal worship, much like nature can be uncaring.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Talos is the god of storms, destruction and rebellion. Embodying a darker part of nature, Talos is an uncaring force of wanton destruction. He is often followed by criminals, like brigands or looters, who believe that life is random chaos and that getting what you can is the way to go. After all, you might die at any moment. Talos' priests usually travel around, who predict the weather and warn of disasters. They are only welcome for those times though, given Talos' reputation.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Akadi is the goddess of elemental air. She is the soft summer breeze, the howling gale, and the wind that brings rains. Akadi brings good winds to sailors, pleasant air currents to flyers and gentle rains. She is unable to quell storms as those are the domain of [[Talos]] and [[Umberlee]]. Akadi touches the lives of her followers only lightly as she passes along on her journey. Burning precious incenses is a good way to gain her attention - and if the amount burned is large enough, Akadi will make prayer into reality.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Grumbar is the god of elemental earth. He represents stability and restance to change, the quiet lurker and observer, the bearer of burdens and the guardian of secret treasure hidden in the earth's depths. Grumbar is concerned with maintaining the status quo and cares little for his followers. Some are devout their entire lives and receive great wealth while others get nothing for their piety.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Istishia is the god of elemental water. Istishia does not represent any particular body of water but all water. He is difficult to pin down as his many forms reflect the various forms and aspects of water. This ever-changing deity holds change accomplished over time in his portfolio, much like water erodes stone over time. He is also the guardian of hidden treasures under water. Istishia doesn't pay a lot of attention to his followers but is capable of giving great gifts to those devout to him.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Kossuth is the god of elemental fire. He is the patron of fire elementals as well as those who view fire as a purifying force. Kossuth burns away the old to reveal the new. He is the inspiration for smiths, the comforting fire in the hearth and the blazing pyre that burns people alive. Kossuth's goals are unknown and he holds little affection towards his followers. Followers of Kossuth shine brightly but burn up quickly, generally speaking.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Lolth the Spider Queen is the primary goddess of the drow. She thrives in chaos and has created a society for drow where ambition and backstabbing are rewarded. Lolth's priestesses are all female and males are threated as second-rate citizens under Lolthite regimes. Lolth used to be known as Araushnee and was the consort of [[Corellon Larethian]]. She betrayed him and was cast out from the Seldarine and banished to the Abyss. From then on, she came to be known as Lolth. She still hates the Seldarine and the surface elves with a passion and killing elves is a great way to gain her favor.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Vhaeraun is the god of drow males, thieves and evil activity on the surface. Son to [[Lolth]] and [[Corellon Larethian]], Vhaeraun has a relatively high position in the Dark Seldarine (for a male). Vhaeraun is the one who drow warriors want to emulate: skilled, deadly and strong, though they keep their reverence secret. The Masked God of Night is not satisfied with his current position and chafes at Lolth's rule. When drow males try to better their living circumstances or even throw off the yoke of Lolth's clergy altogether, it is to Vhaeraun they turn. Lolth sees Vhaeraun as a threat to her power and his followers are suppressed. Eilistraee, sister to Vhaeraun, sees in him an opportunity to break Lolth's power and to bring more drow to the side of good.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Corellon Larethian''
Corellon Larethian is the leader of the Seldarine, the creator of the elves and the primary deity sun elves worship. They are everchanging, flitting from one emotion to the next, and the sometimes chaotic nature of the Fair folk is easily explained by looking at Corellon, who is chaos personified. Corellon is androgynous in looks and sometimes elves are born who share Corellon’s looks. Some even are capable of changing their sex after reverie. These elves are considered blessed by Corellon and a number of them join Corellon’s priesthood to come closer to their god.
Corellon loves magic, nature, artistry, and freedom. Corellon might have created the elves but after this act, the god asked them to enjoy life, and live it to their own wishes, so long as they are kind to others. Elven wizards frequently honor Corellon and use their symbols in their spellbooks or homes. They believe that Corellon is the personification of raw, unbridled magic, the well of endless possibilities before the Weave came about.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Azuth is the god of wizards, who see Azuth as the highest embodiment of their craft. Mystra represents the soul and wonder of magic and her servant Azuth represents the wizard's hard work to create said wonder. Few worship Azuth other than wizards and Azuth has very little in the way of temples dedicated to him. Wizards invoke Azuth regularly in daily life when scribing spells, researching new forms of magic or casting spells.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Velsharoon is the god of necromancy, liches and those that explore undeath. Velsharoon used to be a Red Wizard of Thay who was driven out of Thay by rivals. He discovered the process to become a demigod and enacted it, guided by the god [[Talos]]. Velsharoon is utterly ruthless and cares not for the lives lost in his experiments. He expects the same of his followers.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Savras is the god of divination and fortunetelling. He used to have a major rivalry with [[Azuth]] as both wanted to become the god of spellcasters. Azuth won and Savras swore fealty to him. Savras is not a widely worshipped deity and is mostly called upon by people who want to uncover the truth, such as detectives, divination wizards, or judges. Some believe Savras knows all of history but is incapable of changing its course, others believe that Savras guides destiny. None but Savras and perhaps Azuth and [[Mystra]] know the truth.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Tymora is the goddess of fortune and is often prayed to by gamblers and risk-takers. Tymora smiles upon great risks taken with confidence and skill, hence the motto "Fortune favors the bold". Adventurers make up a sizable portion of Tymora's most devoted. Not unsurprising given their line of work and Tymora's penchant for rewarding skillful bravery with a dose of good luck.
[[Go back to start->Start]]What makes you so evil?
* [[I love forms natural destruction->Gods of Fury]].
* [[I deserve to rule over everyone->Bane]]
* [[I love causing pain to others->Loviatar]]
* [[I just love causing chaos->Cyric]]
* [[Death fascinates me.->Deathevil]]
* [[I experience extreme loss or misfortune in my life and now others need to suffer like I did->Sharsaba]]
* [[I enjoy darkness->Shar]]
* [[I want to live my life to the fullest and experience all it has to offer, even in the afterlife, ethics be damned->Asmodeus]]
* [[Disease fascinates me and I am not above spreading it to others to study it further->Talona]]Your god is...
Bane is the god of tyranny and ambition. Known as the Black Hand, he represents domination, control, and the pursuit of power at any cost. Bane believes that the strong do not only have the right to rule over the weak, it is their duty to do this. Bane is thus a popular deity amongst tyrants and conquerors. Bane thrives on order and hierarchy and seeks to subjugate everyone to put them in their rightful place. For a long time Bane was the patron deity of the Zhentarim. Bane received godhood from the hands of [[Jergal]], at the same time as [[Bhaal]] and [[Myrkul]].
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Bhaal is the god of murder and violent death. The deity has few followers and those usually are serial killers or assassins. Needless to say, Bhaal's cult is not at all popular amongst civilized people nor do such cults last long typically. Bhaal actively hungers for violent death and encourages those few followers he has to go out and kill. This usually brings the cult into the eye of law enforcement or adventuring parties who are swift to put an end to it. Bhaal received godhood from the hands of [[Jergal]], at the same time as [[Bane]] and [[Myrkul]].
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Cyric is the god of lies, betrayal and madness. Originally a mortal, Cyric ascended to godhood during the Time of Troubles. In life, Cyric was a vile murderer and traitor and godhood did not change him for the better. Cyric is constantly plotting against other gods and his followers mirror this by plotting constantly against others. Cyric is venerated by liars, murderers and power-hungry individuals, all of whom would deceive to keep their ambitions and deeds hidden.
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Loviatar is the goddess of pain, agony, suffering and torture. Loviatars proclaims that true enlightenment and transcendence is found in suffering. Her followers often hurt themselves just as much as they hurt others. Loviatar has few temples dedicated to her but her faith is widespread. She is worshipped by torturers, sadists and masochists.
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Shar is the goddess of darkness. She represents the darkness of night, as well as the darkness found in people's minds and souls. Shar is a goddess of loss, forgetfulness and secrets. Most people pray to Shar when they have to deal with grief or have to venture into dark places. They ask for her protection. Others see in Shar a path towards power or vengeance. Shar leads these people to dark places and fosters the darkness within their souls.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Talona is the goddess of disease and poison. Ignoring her is unwise and so most people will make offerings to Talona to placate her and to avoid disease. Talona's domain is one of plagues, crop failure and tainted wells so keeping on her good side is very important. Those who actively become priests of Talona will either try to cure diseases or spread diseases. Common people thus are suspicious of these individuals.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Which form of natural destruction do you prefer?
* [[Ice and cold. A frozen world is beautiful.->Auril]]
* [[The sea. Tsunamis and ocean storms make my heart beat faster->Umberlee]]
* [[Storms. Lightning strikes accompanied by massive thunderstrikes thrill me in all the right ways->Talos]]
* [[The hunt. My blood rushes at the thought of my next kill->Malar]] What do you wish upon others?
* [[I want them to experience loss and feel the darkness and emptinees that I do.->Shar]]
* [[I want them to experience constant accidents, misfortunes, and bad luck.->Beshaba]]What about death fascinates you?
* [[I just really love murder, you know?->Bhaal]]
* [[Death, decay, old age, all this intrigues me. I love watching things fall apart and like helping decay and death along.->Myrkul]]
* [[I am a necromancer and would like to become a lich->Velsharoon]]
* [[I am particularly drawn to death by disease and poison->Talona]]
* [[I am not fascinated with death so much as with the emptiness, loss and pain death causes->Shar]]
* [[I hate gnomes specifically and love killing them any chance I get.->Urdlen]]
Which subrace are you?
* [[Sun Elf->Corellon Larethian]]
* [[Moon Elf->Sehanine Moonbow]]
* [[Wood Elf->Rillifane Rallathil]]
* [[Wild Elf->Fenmarel Mestarine]]
* [[Half-Elf->Khalreshaar]]
* [[Sea Elf->Deep Sashelas]]
* [[Avariel->Aerdrie Faenya]]
* [[Drow->Dark Seldarine]]Which statement characterises you best?
* [[I want to become the best at what I do->elfimprov]].
* [[I adore nature in all its forms->elfnature]]
* [[I detest the drow with my whole being->Shevarash]]
* [[I would love some excitement in my life->Erevan Illesere]]
* [[I am a caring individual.->elfcare]]Your god is...
''Sehanine Moonbow''
Sehanine Moonbow is the elven goddess of the moon. She governs divinations, omens, and subtle magics and protects against madness. She watches over the dreams of the elves, keeping them from harm while in reverie and sending omens to protect them from future dangers. Sehanine is particularly revered by moon elves, who view her as their protector. Sehanine is a goddess of cycles: from waxing moon to full moon, from cradle to grave, from illness to health. Elves thus believe Sehanine to be present in most important moments in their lives.
Sehanine is part of [[Angharradh]] alongside [[Aerdrie Faenya]] and [[Hanali Celanil]]. The three-in-one collectively serve alongside Corellon as leaders of the Seldarine. Moon elves worship Angharrahd and her constituent goddesses but the other elves consider Sehanine to be Corellon’s sole consort.
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''Fenmarel Mestarine''
Fenmarel Mestarine is the elven deity of outcasts and is worshipped primarily by wild elves as well as elves who’ve voluntarily separated themselves from society. Fenmarel, also known as the Lone Wolf, keeps himself withdrawn from the rest of the Seldarine and most mortals but is willing to teach those who turn to him. Fenmarel’s creed is one of survival, self-sufficience, secrecy and camouflage. Fenmarel detest the drow more than the other elven deities (with the exception of [[Shevarash]]), due to a past affair between him and Lolth where she tried to turn him towards a dark path.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Khalreshaar is the name by which [[Mielikki]] is known on Evermeet. In this aspect, Mielikki is said to serve Rillifane Rallathil, not Silvanus, delivering messages and doing errands for the Leaflord when speed is of the essence. Since the Time of Troubles, a growing cult, composed primarily of half-elves, has begun to give more credence to myths which claim that Mielikki is the daughter of Silvanus and Hanali Celanil. They have begun to venerate Khalreshaar as the first truly half elven power, much to the dismay of many full-blooded elves.
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''Rillifane Rallathil''
Rillifane Rallathil is the protector of the woodlands and guardian of the harmony of nature. Rillifane is not as chaotic as the other gods of the Seldarine and is quiet and reflective. His priests liken him to a giant oak tree standing in the heart of Arvandor. According to them, this tree is so great that its root mingle with the roots of all other plants on Toril. Rillifane is the primary deity of wood elves and his priests are frequently found as leaders in wood elves communities.
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''Aerdrie Faenya''
Aerdrie Faenya is the elven goddess of the air, weather, and birds and the patron goddess of the avariel. Known as the Bringer of Rain and Storms, Aerdrie is the closest things the elves have to a fertility goddess. Aerdrie dislikes being tied down and adores roaming freely. Aerdrie is more chaotic than many of the other members of the Seldarine and delights in creating unpredictable weather conditions. The Lady of Air and Wind is revered by avariel as well as most nonevil birds, particularly aarakocra and other sentient avians. She is distant to the other elven subraces, who in turn hardly worship the Winged Mother, offering only a quick prayer if they wish for particular weather for something.
Aerdrie is part of [[Angharradh]] alongside [[Hanali Celanil]] and [[Sehanine Moonbow]]. The three-in-one collectively serve alongside Corellon as leaders of the Seldarine.
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''Deep Sashelas''
Deep Sashelas is the Lord of the Undersea and the patron of sea elves, who he created by changing Corellon’s creations. Sashelas is a creative deity and is always changing the undersea environments as he sees fit. Deep waters hide secrets and Sashelas knows this as no other. Also known as the Knowledgeable One, Sashelas gathers all knowledge of the surface world he can and stores it in his library. He then shares this knowledge through dreams and reveries, leading to a number of artists and poets worshipping him as well.
Sashelas is primarily worshipped by sea elves but some sailors toss offerings overboard to ask Sashelas for good sailing weather. The god tends to help them, if he is able. The valuables thrown overboard are gathered by sea elf priests and used as decoration or trade goods.
[[Go back to start->Start]]The Dark Seldarine is dominated by the [[Spider Queen Lolth->Lolth]]. She leads the pantheon and does not take kindly to rivals for this position. The other gods are thus either subserventient to Lolth or try to undermine Lolth's power in major ways.
* [[Lolth is the one true deity and the others are not worth worshipping->Lolth]]
* [[I worship Lolth and a deity subservient to her because this allows me to fulfill my duty to Lolth better.->Servelolth]]
* [[I would like to rebel against Lolth and undermine her power.->Rebellolth]]Your god is...
Shevarash embodies the hatred the Fair Folk hold for the drow and is the elven god of vengeance and military crusades. He is venerated by elves and half-elves who have suffered the loss of loved ones through violence, particularly those who burn with revenge against the drow, and by those who have sworn to destroy the Spider Queen and the other evil gods of the dark elves. Shevarash used to be a mortal whose family and community were slaughtered by drow. Shevarash swore vengeance and spent the rest of his life hunting down drow and destroying their cities and shrines. When he died, he became a god with the assistance of [[Fenmarel Mestarine]]. The Black Archer has no patience for those who do not share his zeal for vengeance, and he has no interest in moderating his crusade in the interests of peace.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Angharradh is the consort of [[Corellon Larethian]] and a Triune Goddess with many faces. She is a fertility goddess who blesses crops and elves alike, a war goddess who protects the elves from their enemies, and a source of wisdom when guidance is needed. Agharradh is a single goddess (The One) as well as three separate goddesses (The Three), namely [[Aerdrie Faenya]], [[Hanali Celanil]] and [[Sehanine Moonbow]] who came together to save Corellon and Arvandor from Lolth’s betrayal. Angharradh is primarily and near-exclusively worshipped by moon elves, who worship both the One and the Three. Sun elves debate whether Angharradh even exists and don’t really know what to make of the deity’s followers. The other elves do not worship or even talk about Angharradh much.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Hanali Celanil''
Hanali Celanil is the elven god of beauty and love. Stories of Hanali's romantic adventures are favourites when sung by elf bards and poets. No matter the heartache in these stories, they all end with everyone in love with the person, or persons, they were destined to be with. Needless to say, Hanali is a true romantic and has been romantically involved with nearly every member of the Seldarine. Once a dalliance ends, both parties depart amicably with strong bonds still. Hanali’s priests preside over elven weddings and other ceremonies of bonding.
Hanali is part of [[Angharradh]] alongside [[Aerdrie Faenya]] and [[Sehanine Moonbow]]. The three-in-one collectively serve alongside Corellon as leaders of the Seldarine.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Erevan Illesere''
Erevan Illesere is the elven god of mischief and change and the patron of elven and half-elven rogues. He is not a particularly popular deity as Erevan is incredibly fickle and unpredictable, even for his followers. Those who seek a break from the boredom of longevity, however, or those that want a life of danger and excitement find themselves right at home in Erevan’s following. Erevan is driven by fun: he is always up to something, unable to stay still, and frequently causes trouble for trouble’s sake though his pranks are almost never deadly. The only time Erevan becomes somewhat serious, is when weak elves are threatened. Much like [[Tymora]], Erevan only helps those who attempt to make their own luck to the best of their ability. Sun elves tend to dislike Erevan because the god thrives on undermining hierarchies and loves nothing more than pulling a prank on a stuffy, often sun elf, noble.
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''Labelas Enoreth''
Labelas Enoreth is the elven deity of the orderly passage of time and the deity who, together with [[Sehanine Moonbow]] oversees the elves’ long lifespan. When elves grow old and wrinkled, they are centuries old. For this, they thank Labelas. His priests are there to support elves who enter their last decades. Labelas also is a custodian of time and makes sure that time and history aren’t damage by powerful magic and other deities.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Solonor Thelandira''
Solonor Thelandira is the elven god of hunting, archery, and survival in wild and harsh places. The Great Archer's prowess with the bow is unmatched by any other power venerated in the Realms. Solonor is concerned with the integrity of nature and the balance between exploitation and agriculture on one hand and fallow, wild terrains on the other. Solonor is always in pursuit of quarry, and he rarely remains in one location for very long. Unlike many hunters, the Great Archer stalks prey only out of concern for the overall balance between the species and to destroy evil-doers, particularly the drow. Solonor is primarily revered by elven and half-elven rangers, hunters, woodsmen, and fighters. In particular, elven hunters appeal to him for better catches of game and elven warriors trapped in hostile territory call on him for aid.
[[Go back to start->Start]]What do you so like about nature?
* [[The peace and quiet found deep within the forest->Rillifane Rallathil]]
* [[The beautiful places found in the wilds->Hanali Celanil]]
* [[The beauty of the underwater world->Deep Sashelas]]
* [[It challenges me to learn more about survival and self-sufficiency->Fenmarel Mestarine]]
* [[The chance to engage in a hunt with mighty monsters->Solonor Thelandira]] What do you care for and how do you show your care?
* [[I care for my community and want to lead them to the best of my ability->Angharradh]]
* [[I care about the woodlands and dedicate myself to keeping them healthy->Rillifane Rallathil]]
* [[I care about the elderly individuals of my community and want to support them in their last years->Labelas Enoreth]]
* [[I care about bringing people together in loving relationships->Hanali Celanil]]
* [[I care about supporting people during difficult times in their life->Sehanine Moonbow]] What do you dedicate your life to?
* [[Archery->Solonor Thelandira]]
* [[Magic->Corellon Larethian]]
* [[Uncovering hidden knowledge->Deep Sashelas]]
* [[Pranks->Erevan Illesere]]
* [[Killing drow->Shevarash]]
Your god is...
''Gwaeron Windstrom''
Gwaeron Windstrom is the god of rangers and tracking. He is primarily worshipped in the North, where people believe he was a mortal blessed by Mielikki to become a god. Rangers tend to worship Gwaeron instead of [[Mielikki]] because she is seen as too distant and wild whereas Gwaeron used to be one of them.
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Helm is the god of guardians, protection and watchers. Called He of the Unsleeping Eyes or the Vigilant One, Helm is ever watchful, never tiring. This makes him a popular deity amongst those who need to protect someone or something. Helm is honorable to the extreme: his word is his bond. His followers try to emulate this. This makes followers of Helm sometimes inflexible in their views.
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Selvetarm is the patron god of drow warriors and the Champion of Lolth. [[Lolth]] keeps Selvetarm imprisoned in unbreakable webs and only looses him when need is dire. Selvetarm was tricked by Lolth into becoming evil and he resents her for this. If Selvetarm were to be loosed without Lolth in control, he would slaughter a great many drow in a very short time. To drow, eight-armed Selvetarm is the epitome of fighting skill though few warriors are stupid enough to publicly announce their support for him. Most followers of Selvetarm are low-ranked male drow who seek to rise by proving themselves in battle.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Kiaransalee is the drow god of vengeance and undeath. According to legend Kiaransalee died and returned to exact her revenge alongside an army of the dead. Necromancers will turn to Kiaransalee for guidance for this reason but most drow favor Kiaransalee as a deity of vengeance. To get ahead in life, taking vengeance in those who wrong you becomes a necessity for most drow.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Eilistraee is the goddess of moonlight, song, dance, and, most importantly, the rejection of the evil ways of Lolth. She works tirelessly to free the drow from Lolth's dictatorship and is the patron of those drow who forsake evil. She cannot guarantee their safety from other drow nor can she promise acceptance by other races, but she is able to give them a home off some sorts. When Lolth was cursed by Corellon for her vile deeds, Eilistraee chose to defy her father and joined the drow in their descent. Lolth detests Elistraee, as do the other deities of the Dark Seldarine (Vhaeraun possibly excepted), and exterminates Eilistraee's faith wherever she can.
[[Go back to start->Start]]In what capacity do you serve Lolth?
* [[I am a priestess in service of Lolth->Lolth]]
* [[I am a warrior who serves the leaders of my house or city-state->Selvetarm]] How do you rebel against Lolth?
* [[I work from the shadow to take vengeance on Lolth for her misdeeds->Kiaransalee]]
* [[I live on the surface and try to sway drow from Lolth's path and onto the path of good->Eilistraee]]
* [[I keep quiet, make my own life as good as possible and rebel in small, easily overlooked ways.->Vhaeraun]]
* [[I am an outcast and have dedicated my life to an unknowable god of ooze. What do I have to lose?->Ghaunadaur]]What do you value most?
* [[Working together with others to protect my community.->Arvoreen]]
* [[Adventure and sating my curiosity, possibly picking up nice baubles along the way.->Brandobaris]]
* [[Friendship, hospitality and offering those in need food, shelter and possibly pie.->Cyrrollalee]]
*[[Protecting nature from being ravaged and treating it with care.->Sheela Peryroyl]]
* [[Supporting mourning people with portents of their loved ones in the afterlife.->Urogalan]]
* [[Making sure my community thrives in any way possible and teaching others useful skills.->Yondalla]]Your god is...
Arvoreen is the halfling god of defense and guardians. Halflings grow with tales of Arvoreen's bravery, cunning and tactics and are encouraged to act them out, as a sort of playful training. This way halflings are ready to defend their community in its hour of need.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Brandobaris is the halfling god of thievery and trickery. He has a short attention span and when bored, which is often, goes out to cause mischief. The deity and his followers are always looking for the next challenge. Brandobaris is curious and a master of stealth and many halfling thieves, explorers or spies see in him their patron.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Cyrrollalee is the halfling goddess of friendship, trust and hospitality. She is a loving presence wherever she goes and her followers never let anyone go hungry or without a roof above their head. Cyrrollalee's holy food is a freshly baked pie that is shared amongst friends. Worshippers of Cyrrollalee are mostly found amongst cooks and innkeepers but all halflings take this deity's words to heart (alongside a piece of pie).
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Sheela Peryroyl''
Sheela Peryroyl is the halfling goddes of nature, agriculture, and romantic love. The goddess is mostly served by druids who make sure to keep nature around halfling villages neat and well-cared for. When halflings have to cut down trees for lumber or otherwise do something that's harmful to nature, they humbly ask Sheela for permission. In return for this respect, Sheela will sometimes ask nature to help in the defense of the community.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Urogalan is the halfling god of death and earth. He is a gentle deity, who promises grieving souls that their loved ones are in a place of peace and beauty. Urogalan is melancholic, as opposed to the other halfling deities who are almost constantly cheerful. Urogalan is always accompanied by a black hound. Together, they guide halfling souls to the Green Fields for their eternal rest.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Yondalla is the matriarch of the halfling pantheon, the creator of the halfling race and their protector. She is a goddess of protection, fertility, diplomacy, children, and many more aspects of halfling life. Yondalla is responsible for teaching the halflings the skills they need to survive and even thrive. According to halfling legend, Yondalla made promising mortal halflings into the gods.
[[Go back to start->Start]]The Gnomish pantheon is called the Lords of the Golden Hills. It is lead by Garl Glittergold, who is a prankster at heart. The Lords all have their personal talents and passions and often come together (except for [[Urdlen]]) to go on adventures. When they inevitably land in trouble, it is their passions that lead to a solution.
What do you want?
* [[I want a god that fits my passions!->gnomepassion]]
* [[I want to follow the patron god of my (sub-race)->gnomesubs]]
Your god is...
''Baervan Wildwanderer''
Baervan Wildwanderer is the gnomish god of forest and travel, as well as the patron god of forest gnomes. He is always accompanied by Chiktikka Fastpaws, a sentient giant raccoon. Together, the duo explore the world and often end up in exciting adventures after Chiktikka did something naughty.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Baravar Cloakshadow''
Baravar Cloakshadow is the gnomish deity of illusions, traps, and deception. Gnomes worship Baravar to stay safe from outside threats by hiding or being so unpredictable you can't even be found. Gnomes believe that their innate magical abilites were a gift of Baravar.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Callarduran Smoothhands''
Callarduran Smoothands is the gnome god of stone, underground, mining and the Underdark. He is also the patron god of the svirfneblin. Callarduran voluntarily brought the svirfneblin to the Underdark to explore that part of the world. Callarduran is not worshipped by forest and rock gnomes but is am important part of deep gnome culture. They believe he gave them the abiltiy to control earth elementals.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Flandal Steelskin''
Flandal Steelskin is the gnomish god of mining, smithing, and metalworking. He created the weapons the other gnomish gods use and is one of the finest smiths in creation. Flandal has, according to legend, a massive nose that he can use to sniff out metal ore. The gnomes can then mine the ore and turn it into armor, weaponry or other items. Flandel is also the god of fire, glass-work and alchemy.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Gaerdal Ironhand''
Gaerdal Ironhand is the gnomish deity of combat, defense and vigilance. He guards the gnomes from outside threats and teaches them how to battle larger creatures. Where most gnomish gods are lighthearted and playful, Gaerdal is stern, focused and takes his duties seriously. Gnomes build their homes in hidden and defensive places because Gaerdal taught them to do so.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Garl Glittergold''
Garl Glittergold is the gnomish god of humor, gems, and protection. He is also the creator of the gnome race and their patron. Garl inspires gnomes to work together and encourages them to have fun while doing so. He is an inveterate prankster, often landing in trouble because of them. Garl, however, is smart and cunning enough to rescue himself more often than not. He is especially fond of gems and gnomish legend says that the gnomes were created by Garl when he blew life into gems.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
''Segojan Earthcaller''
Segojan Earthcaller is the gnomish deity of earth and the dead and is the patron deity of the rock gnomes. He has the power to heal any sickness and is an amazing cook. Segojan also guides gnomish souls to the afterlife, so long as their bodies are buried in time. Gnomes believe that Segojan gave them the power to talk with burrowing animals.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Urdlen is the gnomish deity of hatred, bloodlust and evil. Urdlen the Crawler Below is the terror to all gnomes and looks like a massive blind and hairless mole with iron claws and teeth. He was banished from the pantheon by Garl for refusing to cooperate with the other gods, to tragedic effect. Very few gnomes venerate Urdlen. Instead most see him as an example of what not to do. Whenever a gnome experiences feelings of jealousy or greed, they think back to Urdlen to remind themselves of the importance of working together with others to improve society.
[[Go back to start->Start]]The Orcish pantheon is led by [[Gruumsh]]. The pantheon is strongly hierarchical and mirrors the structure found in orc tribes. Orcs do not so much revere their deities as fear them and believe their deities to be invincible. Because of this and the gods' fairly active interference in the lives of orcs, makes orcs unlikely to follow other gods (though this does happen at times).
* [[I am the chief or another important person in the tribe, how dare you suggest otherwise?->Gruumsh]]
* [[I am a strategist and horde leader.->Ilneval]]
* [[I am part of the rank and file warriors, raiding across the lands and loving it.->Baghtru]]
* [[I am an outcast within my the tribe because I'm weak, old or ill and now work as custodian of the dead->Yurtrus]]
* [[I work in the darkness and bring shadowy, secret death to enemies of the tribe->Shargaas]]
* [[I take care of the young or even am a witch capable of healing or cursing magic.->Luthic]]Your god is...
Gruumsh is the undisputed ruler of the orc pantheon and a god of conquest, war and destruction. Gruumsh detests the gods of the dwarves, elves, and humans (who in turn despise him) and seeks to use the orcs as his instrument of vengeance. Gruumsh demands his orcs to ravage the world, slaughter all they come across and lay waste to civilization. Gruumsh hand picks worthy orcs to join the ranks of his true worshippers, often giving them a vision and transforming them both physically and psychologically.
Gruumsh holds an especially strong ancient grudge against the elven god [[Corellon Larethian]], who according to some myths put out Gruumsh’ missing eye in combat.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Ilneval is the orcish god of strategy and leading hordes. Followers of Ilneval set aside part of their savage rage and are taught how to lead battalions with some measure of strategy. These Blades of Ilneval follow the orders of the chief still but have the authority to change plans in the midst of battle (though if their decisions lead to failure, they are punished hard).
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Baghtru is the orcish god of strength and the patron of the average orcish warrior. Baghtru is known as the Leg Breaker, a name he gained after breaking every single leg of a great behir. He is concerned with making each orcish weapon deal with as much damage as possible. Baghtru isn't subtle: his trademark is sheer, savage violence.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Luthic is the orcish goddess of healing, the home and female orcs in general. She is also quite probably the only reason orcish tribes don’t fall apart constantly. Luthic’s followers are rarely found at the vanguard of a battle because their terrain is the caves the orcs call home. There they tend to their progeny and the wounded, craft weapons and tools, and expand the caves to give a home to the orcs of their tribe. Luthic is served by female clerics who hold a great amount of influence in the tribe, in part because of their magic and skills and in part because orc chiefs tend to die too quickly to have a lasting impact.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Yurtrus is the orcish god of disease and death. He eternally lies waiting and welcome the weak and infirm into his grasp. Known as the Rotting One, Yurtrus is covered in pustules and oozing sores, and he is surrounded by noxious gases. The god has no mouth and thus cannot speak. Yurtrus is shrouded by mystery but orcs believe that the god sends plagues to ravage tribes that do not follow Gruumsh' commands.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Shargaas is the orcish god of darkness, undeath and the unknown. Shargaas is not an especially honored god because orcs both despise and fear his tricks. He is served by assassins, poisoners, saboteurs and other orcs who prefer to work in the darkness. Sometimes chiefs have to resort to Shargaas' followers to achieve their goals. Few like this.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Which statement is truest for you?
* [[I live in the far north and worship a deity to help me surive in the cold.->Auril]]
* [[The aspect of nature that I appreciate most is how destructive it can be.->Gods of Fury]]
* [[I feel drawn to one of the four elements.->Elemental Lords]]
* [[I was raised near the High Forest.-> Shiallia]]
* [[I love how the rising dawn lights up the world.->Lathander]]
* [[The night's sky is my one true love: living under the light of the stars and moon makes me feel at ease->Selûne]]
* [[I appreciate the peace of the forest. My favorite place is a small pool hidden in the depths of the forest.->Eldath]]
* [[Natural balance precedes all other worries. Nature is wild and untamed and should stay that way.->Silvanus]]
* [[I am an explorer of the wilds.->Gwaeron Windstrom]]
* [[I adore nurturing nature, be it plants or beasts, to see them grow.->Chauntea]]
* [[The vastness of forests and the beauty of forest creatures amaze me.->Mielikki]]
* [[I am especially fond of mushrooms.->Psilofyr]]Which statement is truest for you?
* [[The peak of knowledge is spellcraft. Creating new spells for amazing effects is my life's work.->Azuth]]
* [[I will always strive to find the truth.->Savras]]
* [[We should safeguard knowledge. It is a gift of the gods and passing it on to others is important.->Deneir]]
* [[Knowledge is good when put into practice: I am a craftsman who makes theoretical ideas into reality. ->Gond]]
* [[Knowledge sharing is a form of art: by making art, I can teach people about many a topic, without them even noticing it!->Milil]]
* [[All knowledge starts with an idea and I want to encourage the spreading of ideas.->Oghma]]
How do you serve others?
* [[By establishing laws to keep order->Amaunator]]
* [[By cultivating food and raising livestock.->Chauntea]]
* [[By keeping watch for threats.->Helm]]
* [[By spreading joy where I can.->Lliira]]
* [[By coaching others to achieve their goals.->Lathander]]
* [[By helping other carry their burdens->Ilmater]]
* [[By defending others from the threats that lurk in the dark->Selûne]]
* [[By helping others see beauty in the world and people around them->Sune]]
* [[By residing over trials and capturing criminals.->Tyr]]
* [[I am a true leader and will bring my people to prosperity->Siamorphe]]What is your craft?
* [[I am a farmer.->Chauntea]]
* [[I am a builder, inventor or engineer.->Gond]]
* [[I am a creative or an artist.->Milil]]
* [[I am a scribe or librarian.->Deneir]]
* [[I am a sailor.->Valkur]]
* [[I am a merchant.->Waukeen]]
* [[I am a noble->Siamorphe]]
* [[I am a murderhobo.->Cyric]]
* [[I am a healer.->Eldath]]
* [[I am a midwife.->Lathander]]
* [[I am a fashion designer, beauty expert or model.->Sune]]Does your worship centre around life or death?
* [[Life]]
* [[Death, in a healthy way.->Death]]
* [[Death, in an unhealthy way.->Deathevil]]
Why do you fight?
* [[I fight to protect and guard->Helm]]
* [[I fight for vengeance->Hoar]]
* [[I fight to train my mind in the ways of strategy and tactics->The Red Knight]]
* [[I fight because it is natural to fight, though I do follow a code of war->Tempus]]
* [[I fight for the causes of good, to make the world a better place with every stab of my sword.->Torm]]
* [[I fight for justice, so that the guilty will face their trial and to right wrongs->Tyr]]Your god is...
Hoar is the god of revenge and poetic justice. Very few dedicate their lives to Hoar but many people pray to him when they are in need of revenge after [[Tyr]]'s justice has failed. Hoar is mainly worshipped by bounty hunters and crusaders. Hoar is an ancient god and was first known as Assuran of the Untheric Pantheon. He has since outgrown Unther and his old name, becoming a global power.
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''The Red Knight''
The Red Knight is the goddess of strategy, tactics, and planning. Her followers are often army commanders, generals, war instructors and quartermasters. The Church of the Red Knight has several centres of learning and the people they educate will often rise to become great army leaders. Her faith is rare since very few people have need for war strategy and tactics but the Crimson General's faithful come highly recommended for those with their own armies.
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Tempus is the god of war. He is a thoroughly chaotic deity, favoring (or disfavoring) both sides of a battle equally. He doles out favors frequently but very few of these are lasting. Tempus is concerned with bravery during war as well and his church has put together a code of warfare to reduce the impact of war on those not involved. Tempus is a popular deity amongst soldiers who pray to him for strength and bravery so that they might survive a battle.
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Torm is the god of duty, loyalty, and paladins. His faithful go out into the world to make it a better place by righting wrongs, helping the helpless and defeating evil. Torm is eminently honorable and his followers are too. He challenges his followers, often paladins, to constantly improve themselves and to live up to his divine standards. Failing to do so is shameful, yes, but it is even worse to not even attempt.
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Tyr is the god of justice. His faithful are dedicated to bringing about justice, finding truth and punishing the guilty. Tyr demands honesty and lawfulness of his followers and those who follow him often are sticklers for the rules. Tyr is concerned with the deliverance of vengeance but only if a crime is committed and only through the justice system. Those who seek vengeance for other reasons or in other ways found a home in [[Hoar]]'s faith.
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Amaunator is the god of the sun and the rule of law. He is an ancient deity, first worshipped by the Netherese, and concerns himself with making sure promises are kept and the law is upheld. His priests are often found establishing bureaucracies and legal codes in communities. Some believe that Amaunator is merely an aspect of [[Lathander]] (or vice versa). Both the clergy of Amaunator and Lathander consider these beliefs heresy for various reasons.
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Ilmater is the god of suffering, martyrdom and perseverance. Known as the Crying God or He Who Endures, Ilmater offers compassion to those in need and offers to help them carry their burdens. His priests care for the ill, the starving and the wounded and give all they can to help. The sacrifice of Ilmater's priests is even respected by goblins and orcs, provided it also extents to their troops. Some of his more extreme followers believe that there is a finite amount of pain in the world and that by punishing themselves, they reduce the amount of pain others experience.
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Kelemvor is the god of death. Where Myrkul is god of the dead, dying, and wasting away, Kelemvor is the one who guides souls from the land of the living to the lands of the dead. In his role as Judge of the Damned he judges every soul and sends them to their respective afterlife. Kelemvor is a fair and just god and his priests try to make dying as comfortable as possible, both for the soon-to-be-deceased and their close ones. Kelemvor's faithful try to stop premature deaths and combat undead, who they consider perversions of the natural order.
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Lliira is the goddess of joy, contentment, happiness, dance and freedom. She is worshipped with every festival, celebration or party where people dance. Her followers have a single mission: make people happy and forget their sorrows, if only for a moment. Lliira opposes the darkness in the world and her clerics are fierces foes to those would do harm.
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Selûne is the goddess of the moon, navigation, non-evil lycanthropes, motherhood, and wanders. People believe she and her dark twin [[Shar]] are amongst the oldest deities of Faerûn. Unlike Shar, however, Selûne is well-loved. She is revered by those who do honest work at night, those who use the stars and moon for navigation, and those who are lost and are looking for guidance. Selûne is a calm, loving goddess who shines her light on everyone each night.
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Sune is the goddess of love, beauty and passion. Sune represents beauty in all forms: natural beauty, pleasing tastes, good-looking people, and so on. To praise Sune, her followers thus seek out pleasure wherever they can find it. Some call it hedonism, Sunites call it an encounter with the divine. Sune's followers see beauty as the greatest thing possible and are frequently trained in the ways of fashion, cosmetics and other beautifying arts. Other believe this to be shallow. However Sunites also worship inner beauty and true romance. They will go to great lengths to bring love into fruition.
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Deneir is the god of writing and literature. He is the patron of scholars, artists, researchers and scribes as he holds the power to put thoughts to paper, canvas or tapestry perfectly. Deneirans believe that writing down knowledge is paramount: anything not written down will be lost. This would be sacrilege since they consider information a gift of the gods. Deneir is often called the right hand of [[Oghma]].
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Valkur is the Northlander god of sailors and their ships. The Captain of the Waves is the very picture of the daring sea captain, one capable of sailing his vessel through any disaster the [[Gods of Fury]] could unleash. Worship of Valkur is slowly spreading throughout Faerûn.
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Waukeen is the goddess of trade, money and wealth. She is the patron deity of those who trade goods, no matter whether they do so illegally or not. Waukeen's followers know how to drive a hard bargain but are encouraged to use their wealth for the improvement of society. Wealth should move around and Waukeen looks unfavorably upon those who hoard it. Waukeen strongly opposes monopolies and would prefer to see trade as an opportunity for all where meaningful competition is possible.
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Shiallia is the goddess of fertility and woodlands. She is virtually only worshipped in the High Forest and its surroundings. The Dancer in the Glades is occasionally found in the Neverwinter Woods and has some worshippers there as well.
[[Go back to start->Start]]How are you concerned with death?
* [[I make sure people have a peaceful deathbed and provide solace, as well as battle undead.->Kelemvor]]
* [[I am an undertaker or caretaker of gravesites and much more concerned with the logistics of people dying.->Jergal]]
Which aspect of life do you focus on?
* [[The growing of food and livestock. Life needs to be fed after all.->Chauntea]]
* [[Peace. Life thrives when war and conflict are kept at bay.->Eldath]]
* [[Endurance. Life can be quite heavy but I will help those who need help.->Ilmater]]
* [[Self-improvement. Life is worth living because making it better and helping people improve is possible. ->Lathander]]
* [[Joy. Life is a joyful affair that deserves celebrating with those you love and friends you've not met yet.->Lliira]]
* [[Beauty. Life is filled with beauty and we are here to appreciate it and bring it out in others.->Sune]]Your god is...
Jergal used to be the god of death, murder and strife until he gave up that position. He gave the portfolio of death to [[Myrkul]], murder to [[Bhaal]] and strife to [[Bane]] and was content to serve Myrkul as the scribe of the dead, Since then, [[Kelemvor]] has become the god of the dead who Jergal now serves. Jergal is concerned with the logistics of death and records the passing of all living souls to aid Kelemvor. He has very few worshippers, and those he has are usually gravekeepers or undertakers.
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Semuanya is the lizardfolk deity of survival. Semuanya works hand in had with nature and is primarily served by druids and shamans instead of a true clergy. The deity has several aspects: the male aspect as the Watcher, who protects the lizardfolk, the genderneutral aspect of the Survivor, who scavenges and huntes, and the Breeder, a female aspect who concerns herself with procreation and the burial of eggs to keep them warm and safe.
[[Go back to start->Start]]The draconic pantheon is worshipped by dragons, some dragonborn and the kobolds.
* [[I want to worship a good draconic deity.->Bahamut]]
* [[I want to worship an evil draconic deity.->Tiamat]]
* [[I am a mighty kobold and a loyal worshipper of our hero Kurtulmak.->Kurtulmak]]The goblinkin quite probably had an extensive pantheon until the dark god ''Maglubiyet'' slaughtered or suborned the other goblin, hobgoblin and bugbear gods. Maglubiyet uses the goblinkin as his soldiers in an eternal war against [[Gruumsh]] and the other orc deities.
I want to worship another god next to Maglubiyet.
* [[I am a goblin.->goblin]]
* [[I am a bugbear.->bugbear]]
* [[I am a hobgoblin.->hobgoblin]]Goliath have their own pantheon consisting of:
* ''Kavaki, the Ram-Lord''. The guardian and creator of the goliaths.
* ''Kuliak, the Dead Goddess''. Once a goddess of mountain springs, she is said to have failed in her duty to lead the goliaths to water and is now a goddess of the dead and of exiles.
* ''Manethak, the Wise Hunter''. The god of hunting and knowledge.
* ''Naki-Uthai, the Brave Climber''. The god of mountains, climbing and bravery.
* ''Theleya, the Fertile One''. The goddess of fertility and growth.
* ''Vanua, the Harbringer of Woe''. The god of natural disasters and misfortune.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Quorlinn is the guardian god of the Kenku. He is a trickster god, with a reputation for being short-tempered and irritable. In reality, this somewhat abrasive personality comes from a deep insecurity as Quorlinn believes that he is unfit for godhood and destined to let down his people. Quorlinn the Raven frequently helps out the kenku (and sometimes even other races) but will always deny his aid to instead bemoan his usefulness.
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Bahamut is the draconic god of enlightened justice, metallic dragons, wisdom and good dragons. Bahamut is worshipped not just by dragons but also by non-dragons who believe in fighting injustice proactively: it is not enough to defeat evil where it raises its head, it is important to strike before evil can gain a foothold. This puts Bahamut at constant odds with [[Tiamat]]. Bahamut's creed focuses on vigilance, protecting the weak and lifting up others so they can stand up for themselves.
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Tiamat is the goddess of chromatic and evil dragons, greed and evil reptiles in general. The Dragon Queen has five heads, one for each chromatic dragon species. Though Tiamat is a draconic goddess, there are numerous cults dedicated to her. Cultists of Tiamat worship her to gather personal power and/or wealth. Some even believe that dragons are destined to rule the world and that releasing Tiamat from the Nine Hells will usher in a new age of dragons where they will rule as well.
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Kurtulmak is the kobold god of war and mining and a servant of [[Tiamat]]. Kurtulmak hates [[Garl Glittergold]] for trapping him in the labyrinth he still inhabits and has inspired koboldkind’s hatred towards the gnomes. Kurtulmak is a trickster who tries to avoid the politics of other gods. Kurtulmak taught the kobolds the art of trap-making, looting and stealing, all to help them survive.
[[Go back to start->Start]]''Khurgorbaeyag'' is the goblin god of oppression and social order. Known as the Overseer, Khurgorbaeyag drives his worshipers to be the masters of others. Only by wielding the whip can they hope to escape its lash.
''Kikanuti'' is the goddess of desert-dwelling goblins and the sworn enemy of Maglubiyet, who she sees as a slaver of his followers, keeping them beneath the earth and blind to the joys of life. Kikanuti has power over the fertility of the earth and is primarily worshipped by the desert-dwelling bhuka, who live in druidic matriarchal societies. Maglubiyet would love nothing more than to eradicate Kikanuti and take over her portfolio but has not succeeded so far.
[[Go back to start->Start]]''Grankhul'' is the bugbear deity of hunting and the younger brother of Hruggek. He is said to have gifted his people the art of stealth and to have taught them the value of the element of surprise. Grankhul is a god of the senses and of swift death. In return for his gifts, Grankhul sapped their vigour, so that bugbears sleep in his stead while he remains eternally alert and awake.
''Hruggek'' is the bugbear deity of ambush, violence and combat and the brother of Grankhul. He is possessed of legendary might and prowess in battle. Bugbears believe their strength and bravery come from him.
''Skiggaret'' is the bugbear deity of fear and cowardice. Skiggaret's influence manifests at times when bugbears are forced to act in a cowardly fashion; a bugbear that knows or feels itself to be in mortal danger is affected by a form of madness and will do anything, including trying to flee, in order to stay alive. Bugbears believe that this feeling of fear comes from being possessed by Skiggaret, and they don't relish experiencing it. After the madness has passed, bugbears don't dwell on things that were done in the presence of Skiggaret. Talking about such acts might call him back.
[[Go back to start->Start]]''Nomog-Geaya '' is the hobgoblin god of warfare and authoritarianism. Nomog-Geaya is seen as a stoic, cold-blooded, and tyrannical leader, and hobgoblins believe he expects the same behaviour from them. Nomog-Geaya's priests are responsible for martial training as well as instruction in strategy and battlefield tactics.
''Bargrivyek'' is the hobgoblin god of duty, unity, and discipline. He is thought to be pleased by displays of those principles. Bargrivyek's priests work as a police force in hobgoblin society, making judgments about honour, mediating disputes, and otherwise enforcing discipline. Bargrivyek is the second-in-command of Nomog-Geaya.
[[Go back to start->Start]]Your god is...
Leira is the goddess of illusion and deception. She is the goddess of liars and a consummate liar herself. She has posed as different gods, died (or maybe not...) and is generally a confusing deity for historians to research. Very few worship Leira but since she's a deity of liars and illusionists, her worshippers aren't likely to admit to their belief to begin with. Leira is the state goddess of Nimbral.
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Uthgar is a god of physical strength and the patron deity of the Uthgardt barbarians. Uthgar used to be a mortal whose hordes fought across the Sword Coast North around 100 DR. Uthgar died defending his followers from frost giants and ascended to divinity shortly afterwards. Uthgar is a close ally of [[Tempus]].
[[Go back to start->Start]]What is your passion?
* [[Exploring nature->Baervan Wildwanderer]]
* [[Hiding and trapmaking->Baravar Cloakshadow]]
* [[Being a svirfneblin->Callarduran Smoothhands]]
* [[Smithing->Flandal Steelskin]]
* [[Fighting and protecting others->Gaerdal Ironhand]]
* [[Pranking and outsmarting others->Garl Glittergold]]
* [[Crafting->Gond]]
* [[Cooking and healing->Segojan Earthcaller]]
* [[Murdering gnomes->Urdlen]]Who do you want to worship?
* [[The patron of all gnomes->Garl Glittergold]]
* [[The patron of forest gnomes->Baervan Wildwanderer]]
* [[The patron of rock gnomes->Segojan Earthcaller]]
* [[The patron of svirfneblin (deep gnomes) ->Callarduran Smoothhands]]
Your god is...
Psilofyr is the patron deity of the myconids. Psilofyr espouses a philosophy of renewal through decomposition but is quite a benign deity who is more than willing to help out adventurers lost in the Underdark. Benign though he is, Psilofyr is also undeniably insane. He has divided himself into a great many aspects and no two aspects are the same. Some believe that the great fungus Araumycos is the avatar of Psilofyr on the Material Plane. Psilofyr is a fey deity and is associated with the Feydark, the Feywild mirror of the Underdark.
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Siamorphe is the goddess of the nobles' divine right to rule. Few non-nobles worship Siamorphe: they might even deny she exists at all. For nobles in feudalist countries, however, Siamorphe explains why they were chosen to rule and how they're performing a divine duty. Siamorphe encourages nobles to rule justly and wisely, with the best interest of the commoners below them at heart. In return for their service to the community, it is believed that Siamorphe granted the nobles the benefits they enjoy. All to better rule of course.
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